Best Power Trade Summer 2015 – 100% Gain High Probability

As noted in my recent article, demonstrating the great performance of PMA to be able to find winning power trades – 50 Percent Gain on Winter Trade! Another Successful Demonstration of PMA, I prefer to trade one season out excluding the shoulders. Unless something is a screaming buy or sell in the shoulders I typically avoid it given the limited load movements and unpredictable maintenance cycles.
Given our success in winter I wanted to get a jump start for summer so we have run over 60+ simulations for this summer. Including our base runs and following the same analytical approach which incorporates a historical analysis and our screening tools, we have identified some significant market dislocations from the forward curve to the realities of the market place.
Also noted in my previous article, I believe I have demonstrated and documented the efficacy of the modeling approach with 3 correct calls in a row (Summer, Winter 1, Winter 2) . Therefore, we will not likely give away trade ideas anymore. The return of one of our spread trade we have identified is priced to earn over 100%. This is no joke. I have all the analysis behind this trade and look forward to working with paying clients to capitalize on this trade. Power markets, given the collapse in trading and the complexity involved, do offer on occasions these types of trades. This June spread will be able to give you positive returns in less than 4 months.
Trading power if done right will bring positive results. The last two years the power trading markets failed as many traders failed to translate the low gas prices and what they meant to power prices. PMA-NT is proven to understand these commodity changes and what they mean for power. In addition, my trading recommendations stay away from these absolute issues and I focus on spreads and heat rates thereby mitigating some of the commodity risk.
PMA signals have recently changed from a sell mode for most of last year to now identifying some great buying opportunities. For many end-users if you are looking to hedge power now is the time and we can show you why and where. For several power generators my advice to you is ride it out enjoy the spot markets your downside risk is limited. This is location specific so you do need to call or email me to get the right information for your situation.
Please call me if you are interested in receiving the list of our summer trade recommendations and the analysis that goes behind it. We are so confident in our modeling we offer very flexible terms that we get paid only if you get paid (I got that from an infomercial):
Fixed charge with a money back guarantee on a winning portfolio of recommendations (winning portfolio > 0%).
No money down a portion of earnings based on trade portfolio performance.
Subscription to PMA-NT gives you the complete summer analysis and all the daily runs each and every day. Customization to create your own set of daily scenarios.
This is extremely time-sensitive as the market will start correcting itself for these dislocations. If you want to show a successful power trading portfolio you need to reach out to me as soon as possible. We are here for your success – now and into the future.
Your Enthused Energy Analyst,
David K. Bellman
All Energy Consulting LLC- “Adding insights to the energy markets for your success.”
[email protected]