Summer 2015 Best Trade Update – Already?

The purpose of this release is to demonstrate the volatility and requirement to stay on top of the power market. PMA-NT is capable and designed to run daily. Our best trade for summer 2015 spread just moved from $-2/MWh to $1/MWh. The risk adjusted expectations of this curve was $2/MWh. There is still room for a 100% gain. The certainty is diminished somewhat as there are some simulations showing less than $1/MWh – however there were none at $-2/MWh which made this trade spread a screaming buy.
Not to fret the market has another opportunity. Based on last night’s run there is a shoulder month who offers this same opportunity. The current spread stands at $-4/MWh and the risk adjusted spread at north of $1/MWh. Historical analysis shows the spread to never be negative for the last 6 years. The average spread on a historical basis is over $6/MWh!
Do you want the list of potential summer trades that never get stale due to market changes? It is time you take a look at PMA-NT. We produce daily trade ideas with in-depth fundamental analysis. This is not a black box. We are not running stochastic and creating a mathematical soup of results. The realities of the world are examined in discrete runs. PMA-NT gives you control of weather, commodity prices, unit outages, etc…. We can quantify uncertainty allowing you to make effective decisions and trades.
Please call me if you are interested in receiving the list of our summer trade recommendations and the analysis that goes behind it. We are so confident in our modeling we offer very flexible terms that we get paid only if you get paid :
Fixed charge with a money back guarantee on a winning portfolio of recommendations (winning portfolio > 0%).
No money down a portion of earnings based on trade portfolio performance.
Subscription to PMA-NT gives you the complete summer analysis and all the daily runs each and every day. Customization to create your own set of daily scenarios.
You won’t find a better package or deal when balancing the return expectations we can produce. Many of you want to do all this internally. I understand this and expect your team can. However, as I noted before it only gets better when we incorporate your knowledge. We are humble enough to understand we can’t cover everything, but we will continue to pursue that. This is what makes this an evolutionary service/ product. There is no sitting on our butts once we sign you up – we will continue to grow with you. You can have your very own unique PMA-NT experience. Your teams concepts and thoughts can be translated into PMA-NT. Your internal simulations can also be incorporated in our trade screener giving even a more robust answer. Finding the best power trades will only get better and easier when you and your team work with us.
If you want to show a successful power trading portfolio you need to reach out to us as soon as possible. We are here for your success – now and into the future.
Your Enthused Energy Analyst,
David K. Bellman
All Energy Consulting LLC- “Adding insights to the energy markets for your success.”
[email protected]