Being Green is Hard

Once again I sit in the airport writing this blog. Your energy analyst has been very busy – which is a good thing. As I noted in my previous blog, I have been doing the twitter thing. The people I have chosen to follow are not just the people that believe what I believe in. One person I follow, David Roberts, is from the Grist. The Grist is an interesting publication focused on the environment. They claim not to be too much of a tree-hugger. Mr. Roberts is clearly a self-professed liberal – I deduce this from the continuous negative connotations for the GOP, along with little to none negativity with the democrats. Once again I don’t mind at all to view and read his point of views. Clearly he is right on many of the issues that he points out with regards to the GOP.
One of his latest blog he asked the twitter world whether he should buy a Prius V or VW TDI. I really didn’t think he meant to ask me, but I do follow him. Therefore I suggested to him he should probably think about buying a used car or better yet drive his existing car to death. This is largely due to the fact that most of a car CO2 emission is from the manufacturing and marketing of the vehicle versus the actual fuel consumption for the life of the vehicle. Those who feel they are being green by buying a new ultra-efficient vehicle, while they have a mechanically functioning vehicle, have not seriously examined the complete picture. I even note an article from the Guardian who also supports that claim.
I have yet received a reply for my kindness of taking the time and answering his request from his twitter follower. However, I write this only to point out the reality that it really is hard to be green. Being green takes sacrifice in your lifestyle, which many do not want to do.
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