Power Market Analysis (PMA)
Analyzing the power markets require significant amount of experience and cross industry knowledge – see our whitepaper on power modeling. All Energy Consulting (AEC) has put together Power Market Analysis (PMA) to deliver market insights for your success. Today’s constant connections allows us to deliver insights daily. PMA is here for you whenever you need it given its daily computations. PMA is prepared for any major market changes. PMA is designed for the most complex and rigorous users (trading/hedge funds -see...
read moreOil Market Analysis (OMA)
Analyzing the oil markets require a strong technical and marketing mindset given the breadth of products and geographical reach. All Energy Consulting (AEC) has begun to put together Oil Market Analysis (OMA) to deliver market insights for your success. Our first OMA product is an interactive crude oil evaluation model. The model is designed to compute the various value of crude oils based on various refinery configurations in the gulf coast. Crude oil producers and refineries can use the results to value their contracts to make...
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