Shale Gas

Many of our consulting assignments are triggered by the rapid exploration of shale gas in North America.  Shale-gas resources, in particular, have skyrocketed and are now being tapped commercially — creating a new paradigm for America’s oil and gas industry. The emerging “shale gale” is being powered by rapidly developing technologies in the areas of seismics, horizontal drilling, and fracking.   E&P companies are needing to decide how to convert the underground oil, natural gas, and NGL resources into economic and efficient forms of fuel.  The shale revolution is impacting not only gas, but oil, refining, and chemical markets.  A strategic plan maximizing your capabilities is needed to unlock the value without leaving too much upside for others. 

It is impossible to predict the limit to this new energy boom, which is only several years in the making.   Economic impact of shale has already been felt across the economy to the tune of $193 Billion and rising.  The technological breakthrough sparking this revolution of America’s energy sector is the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques.  First born in the Barnett Shale of North Central Texas in 2003, shale exploration has spread across the United States and is rapidly becoming the norm in shale basins like Bakken, Marcellus, Eagle Ford, Niobrara, Utica, etc.

We positively and evocatively challenge the current thinking involving any aspect of energy use. We look for projects that offer meaningful, transformative, with impactful outcome to the marketplace or society.

Independent analysis and opinions without a bias.   Please consider All Energy Consulting for your consulting needs.