
Others speak foreign languages, at AEC we speak MS Excel, SQL, Visual Basic, Php, and Energy. Our capabilities to build complex and data intensive interactive models are the best in the industry. We have built crude oil evaluation models, refinery linear optimization models, discounted cash flow models requiring numerous inputs from various sources, and more… It is not just the ability to design and program that gets the job done – it is in addition to already knowing your issues. Building and operating great models require strong problem solving skills. Hiring AEC will lead to increase knowledge for you and your team as we not only supply numbers, we work with you and explain the key drivers.
Models Built in 2014:
Oil & Gas
- Built a USGC refinery model in various configurations – Hydroskimming, Cracking, and Coking
- Discounted Cash Flow Model for Refinery Acquisition and Refurbishment
- USGC and Caribbean petroleum pricing models
- Modeled the US Natural Gas Deliveries to Electric Power Consumers by State
- Modeled and Calculated the discount value for Eagle Ford Condensate
- Built World Supply/Demand Balance Model for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
- Assisted Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) in deployment (setup, build, and operate) of a power model used for their Integrated Resource Plan
- Several Discounted Cash Flow Model for Power Generation Asset – 800 MW CC to 1MW Reciprocating Engine
- Worked with the University of Texas Center for Energy Economic on modeling and publishing papers regarding ERCOT
- Modeled EPA Clean Power Plan and published paper in Fortnightly
- Long-term Power Modeling along with integrating GCPM gas pipeline model
- Built and Operate Power Market Analysis (PMA) Platform – includes integrated trade screeners to integrated natural gas storage models.
- Built an interactive load model for 118 load zones representing N. America
- Built a coal pricing model to deliver and price coal to all 1000+ coal units in N. America
- Discounted Cash Flow Model for an Integrated Desalination Plant with Associated Power Generation and Recycle Facility for Waste Water from Fracking
Models are only as good as the inputs and the ability to decipher the outputs to business solutions. Please do consider All Energy Consulting for your energy modeling needs. We have a strong passion and commitment to you because we enjoy what we do.
Please call or email David Bellman ([email protected]) 614-356-0484 for further information.